Originally Posted by Finalgenesis
Human Paladins > All, it's pretty easy to survive (or prosper even, with a little luck) until you can produce them in impossible difficulty. Throw in warlord and/or life magic if you enjoy even more overkill.
Are you sure you played it with the latest patch?

When I was young, I played it the same way. Just took the High Men and turtled until I had paladins.
But with the latest patch, AI is so much more agressive. And building Paladins takes forever, so you are very likely to get rushed. Besides, paladins were nerfed since the 1.0 version; I'm not sure how exactly, but they dont insta-kill everything any longer.
Originally Posted by WraithLord
I've played MOM with the patch after years of not touching it.
I took Freya+Elves and tried summoning those bears/sprite but I'm getting stomped by the neighboring wizard (on hardest level). I don't recall MOM being so challenging...
Yeah, patches made Impossible MoM much harder than it was. Thats exactly why I posted these strategies.

With these I managed to beat the impossible AIs. Everything else failed. Miserably.
Also, let me guess? Your playstyle changed over the years, as did mine. Back then, I was OK with just turtling and skipping turns until I had some imba high-tec unit. Now I want to grab something and rush somebody for good, or maybe expand really fast, etc etc.