Originally Posted by NooBliss
Hehe.  Please post here if you find something that works.
I am still trying new strategies time after time as well. So far, just four victories. Problem is, impossible AI simply cheats, so in order to beat him you've got to find something broken (as in imbalanced) and cheat him back.
Yes. I think I already found a way to cheat - the AI will stupidly trade spells when you first encounter an enemy wizard. So, make sure to grab some juicy spells.
I think I'm on to a good opening now. Steps are roughly:
- summon 4 bears and add to starting units
- take closest indep. town
- Churn out swordman & summon more bears.
- move a stack of 9 units and hit enemy wizards towns
So far working well.
Originally Posted by NooBliss
For that reason, I'm very happy with this patch as it FINALLY fixes cloak of fear. That's one more decent pick in starting death spells.  The more good stuff to work with, the more chances to find some new strategy.
Heroism is still way better, tho.
Too bad they didnt fix the way area dispel works. I was very disappointed to find out that Archmage + Nature mastery does not prevent mass dispel from ruining all your hard-woven unit enchantments, though in theory it should've made them 3x times as hard to dispel.
Too bad they don't release the source code