Originally Posted by DragonRider
Wait...so if I control a province as Marignon, but its dominion is firmly under the influence of Man, and Man has Growth 3, I see three wheat symbols but there's no effect on the income or population growth in that province? But...what if I also have Growth 3? Normally dominion effects gradually change from one side's alignment to another's as dominion strength changes hands, doesn't it? So do I instantly jump from effectively neutral Growth effects to Growth 3 as soon as dominion becomes neutral or friendly in that province? Or do I whittle it down to Growth 0, and then back up to a working Growth 3?
This is no fair. I read the instructions and everything! I should know stuff like this!
Anecdotal evidence that I didn't pay that close of attention to says that I think the growth scale will still increase your population, just not your gold income. Dominion can't really be neutral... except in provinces where no one's dominion has spread to yet. Otherwise it's always positive or negative. But if it's positive, you should instantly jump up to effective growth 3 scales. That dominion shift thing is only for scales that aren't the same.
Don't worry if you don't have this down correctly... dominions has some really strange moments, and there are some questions the manual just doesn't answer. You should also read the "lies my manual told me" thread... because there are some places where it isn't 100% correct, especially after all the patching that's been done.