Re: Warthog - running
That wasn't a smart move Ermor, the men of Rus can fight through this, we could cast gift of health next turn, and our blood magic allows us to fight the aging on our old mages.
Even if we should fall you have hung yourself unless you drop BoT immediately since everyone now sees you as an enemy. We also would like to point out that we actually can dispel this with 1 in 3 of our starets, I doubt it would be that hard to raise the gems since everyone wants to get rid of this.
It saddens us that you cannot keep your harmful magic to the battlefield or within your own dominion. We shall stamp your armies into the ground, mark my words.
To all others in the realm, put your trust in Bogarus who are actively working to rid the world of this scourge, laying to rest hundreds of undead. The donation of pearls would be required for us to dispel the BoT. Thank you all in advance for your co-operation against the evil ermor empire.
Last edited by Nikelaos; September 13th, 2010 at 05:47 PM..