Re: Sitting on the fence
Some updates and held-aside ideas that I need to give up now:
A) The Tower Maps have been used now in half a dozen games, and they seem to be well received. Or as well as any map. It does make for a different game. Harder to gang up in early game, less micromanagement, the F1 menu is much easier to use. Its not very "realistic" but its good for some games.
B) There are now a number of different DungeonMaster mods available. My initial one (Watcher), then other variations such as DungeonMaster or the Debug mod or Pantokrator. If you havent seen the discussions this allows for a game where one person oversees and manages aspects of the game for the whole time that its running. It allows for in-game reward/punishment systems, NPC nations, and adding new "random" events to the game.
B.1) A variant is to use the DM mod to wish immediately for an arena. The game is designed as "All Pretenders to the Arena Please". Its a one-turn game but an interesting idea that shouldnt be forgotten.
C) A new feature has been added (by scripting) where a host can close off the option for players to turn themselves AI. This is handy for enforcing a rule such as "no going AI for the first 50 turns" and forcing the search for substitutes. It is also possible to pre-check gods for mod-compatability.
D) Remember that the mod switch is fixed. It is much easier to include all mods in games. That includes modded nations. Some of those are prime for use as AI opponents. Designing an AI into a game can make it much more viable as an opponent than the vanilla AIs you remember tutoring against. The scenario options are still broken for download/solo play but very workable for server games. Lets put the hated banned nations back into a few games as the goal of the game. How about resurrect my Dom2 scenario. LA Ermor in the corner almost entirely surrounded by water. Surrounded and allied closely with Rlyeh and Atlantis. "D.A.R.E. the Deadly Atlantis Ryleh Ermor alliance." Or the Pangaean map with all 3 Pangaeas and 2 Oceanias AIs allied. "The nations of Man have proven harmful to the world. Now you shall face Global Swarming!". Or two of Amos mods using the christian flavored one with angels and the satanic one with demons. Put them at top and bottom of a map, boosted AIs with settings to make them move toward each other. Then put all the players in between. "pagans, heathens, and idols. Give up your petty grievances and unite to survive"
E) There are also some very fun mods that add more-more-more to the game. More pretenders, more heroes, more magic sites, more summons, more spells, more nations. How about a really large game with as many of those as you can dig up (someone better at using the mod merging tool maybe)
F) The ultimate ally game. Let each player have 2 or 3 nations at once in order to closely ally them (and lets pretend it doesnt happen sometimes anyway). For more fun, use SingleAgeComplete mod so that they can even play with all 3 versions of the same nation if they want to.
G) Having the Independents operate with AI is a fun variant. Set it so that the white flags are able to choose a pretender, build, expand, move armies around. Ouch.
H) One of Kristoffers mods to limit magic to level 4 or level 6
I) A game with NO GODS. Just armies and magic. Or maybe even just armies.
J) Variation on the "All Gods to the Arena" game but doesnt need the DM mod. A game where the map is designed so that everyone can meet instantly. Pretender and starting armies deciding the game right away. Or maybe giving a turn or two to modify the starting army slight but agreeing on when everyone will meet in the middle.
Last edited by Gandalf Parker; September 17th, 2010 at 12:05 PM..