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Old September 17th, 2010, 05:54 PM

Valerius Valerius is offline
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Default Trinity - Newbie game - Finished - Avari/Ulm wins!

Due to popular demand, I'm starting up a third newbie game! Looking for players with 0-3 games experience for a friendly intro to Dominions MP, using standard mods and settings.

I wrote up an intro to Dominions MP and you may also be interested in some of the conversation from the Boot Camp thread.


Age: MA
Players: 8
Banned nations: water nations and Ashdod
Hosting: llamaserver - llamaserver FAQ is here
Hosting interval: 24 hours up to turn 20, 48 hours up to turn 40, 72 hours from then on
Mods: CBM 1.6 and EDM 1.1
Map: Parganos (dead seas version - this means you can conquer sea provinces but they will not provide gold/gem income)
Hall of Fame: 15
All other settings default

Note: Apparently PM's are turned off by default when you create your forum account. You'll want them on as this is a much quicker way to conduct diplomacy than the in-game message system.

Player Roster

Abysia - puntocom - UTC +1
Bandar Log - Marmaduke - UTC +2
C'tis - Drog the Destroyer - UTC +2
Caelum - iRFNA - UTC -6
Ulm - Avari - UTC +2
Jotunheim - Hylobius - UTC -5
Pangaea - Drog the Destroyer - UTC +2 (previously CarlixTomix)
Shinuyama - Ragnoff - UTC -5

Last edited by Valerius; March 11th, 2011 at 12:36 AM..
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