Originally Posted by HoneyBadger
Or, option 2, you could learn to use armies. Just a thought.
The two have little to do with each other. You might as well suggest we all learn to navigate our aircraft carriers better, instead of maintaining roads.
PD is separate from mobile armies. That should be obvious to everyone. There's no reason that it can't be made more useful and interesting, without somehow taking away from "using armies". People didn't stop "using armies" once they learned to build castles or create an effective police force. That doesn't make fortifications or military police any less important.
The way I see PD working is akin to adding infrastructure: You build it up from nothing, and as you do, more people settle there, more business is done, your workshops are more productive, your smiths and craftsmen more skilled. You attract the richer merchants and the famous bards. You also probably attract more crime.
The end result is a functioning defensive force, created by your people living there, out of a desire to protect themselves and maintain the peace, but it comes about from a lot of hidden factors that might be represented by 20+ buildings in a Civilization-type game, but that in Dom3 is refined and distilled down to a single number.
Gandalf: I don't mean that it should be made equal across all Nations, only that it could be improved across the board, while still maintaining what balance there exists between Nations. In other words, Niefelheim = bad PD, while Abyssia = good PD.
thejeff said it better than I did, actually