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Old September 21st, 2010, 08:38 AM

Dimaz Dimaz is offline
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Default Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

In the last turn of Sharivar game, I teleported 2 commanders to some enemy province, one of them had Staff of Storms. However there was no Storm during fight. Here is the log part regarding this issue:
item Staff of Storms casting autospell Storm (cr0)
Autospell is Storm
castspell: cnr744 spl288 (Storm) vis0 x6 y24 spldmg1
vis 0 xvis -1
blastsqr: unr17146 x6 y24 aoe0 dmg1 eff81 spc1073741824 as10247 al9
  affectvic vic17146 hv0
hitunit 17146 17146 dmg1 spec1073741824 ba2
*** Warning: out of ench
hitunit: out of ench
setupsquads end (check=241433822)
Also, some time ago I had another bug which I was too lazy to report here alone. Spells with Prec 100 can miss the target occasionally. In particular, I had Magic Duel miss.
(placing Zeldor's Golem)
auto placement player 8
deploycom Frateborn at 6 15
(casting md)
com Dimaz cast spell (favspell Magic Duel) (mayusegems 1)
(Golem targeted)
castspell: cnr504 spl271 (Magic Duel) vis3 x6 y15 spldmg999
vis 3 xvis 2
(md lands 1 square above Golem)
blastsqr: unr8294 x6 y14 aoe1 dmg999 eff27 spc1082130560 as10225 al9
Both turns are available if needed by IW.
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