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Old September 21st, 2010, 10:06 AM

SsSam SsSam is offline
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Default Re: MA Marignon... Any thoughts?

I'm 100 turns into a losing game as Marignon, but it isn't the nations' fault.

Knights and crossbows can take any indy you can find. Even if you pretender isn't designed with a bless in mind, blessed Kotc do just fine.

Set your production high and you can expand as fast as most other nations. You DO need some luck with indies for magical diversity, but that's true for a lot of nations and the paths that you don't have (death/water/nature) are usually paths that indies have. Of course, you could take the sure thing and let your rainbow take care of diversity.

While you don't have access to a lot of things as Marignon, you DO have decent access to astral and that's the queen of the late game.

Then, or course, you have the angels. Very, very nice national summons. Dominon pushing priests, Assassins and spies, there are a lot of fun tools in the toolbox here.

One tool that's easy to overlook.....flagellents. Take a thematic, cheesy f9s9 bless and ...dang....they are recruitable everywhere and don't cost much of anything. Who is gonna bring archers to fight Marignon?

Now, I wouldn't play marignon as a bless nation all the time, but it is available and a ton of fun. With that bless your KOTC will go toe to toe with just about anything.
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