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Old September 22nd, 2010, 07:25 AM
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Default Re: Vanarus, Machaka Lion Kings etc

Originally Posted by RadicalTurnip View Post
Christianity was very pro-women for its time.
I agree that you have to consider the culture around the religion. I don't know whether Islam or Christianity is the most "pro-women", I've seen people argue for both. But even though they improved women's conditions where they first arouse it becomes problematic when they spread to other cultures.

From my Scandinavian perspective Christianity seems like an "anti-women religion" since here it lessened women's rights. So I don't think it's possible to simply generalise and say that a religion is pro or anti women. It was pro in the Levant and anti in Scandinavia.

I do believe that religions in general are holding back women's rights today, in case anyone was wondering about my opinion
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