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Old September 23rd, 2010, 02:39 PM

earcaraxe earcaraxe is offline
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Default amphiptere plus ma man's units

since one of my favorite is ma man, i did a little experimenting, and i got stuck with the amphipteres.any ideas for how to use them? i tested them with lycantropos amulets - they got high hp thats why - versus ma tien'chi's PD10 and even 6 of them (costing 30 air and 18 nature) got beaten. Maybe if i could give them leadership but how? their poison spit - which wasnt used this time because of the amulet - seems very weak too.

i am also looking for ideas when to use ma man's longspearmen, light cavalry and axemen. It seems - tho i didnt test it - that the tower guards (or the other units) are almost always superior choices (when i got the resources). I'm curious of your opinions.
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