Newbie who chose Land of the Bakemono
Hey, all. It's my first playthrough on single player, and I chose MA Shinuyama for role-playing reasons (I thought their description sounded like it could fit with my "I'm going to play like Sauron!" idea). Anyways, like I would expect with a game like this, I'm kind of overwhelmed (although this is the first time I've played a 4x game where I've REALLY gotten that "One more turn!" feeling) so I'm rereading the manual and checking out some online posts about the game. One of them, at the strategywiki for D3, says that "it’s certainly not the easiest nation to play, especially for a beginner". Yikes! What have I done?
I'm looking for a judgement call from some more experienced players... am I better off just plowing through the game on a difficult nation, or should I restart with an easier one? I don't want to get in that situation where I always restart ten turns in hoping that my next game will be perfect, which can be a problem with 4x games that don't have scenarios, but on the other hand, I don't want to be in a situation where I'm not learning much because I'm playing a difficult nation.
For those who recommend restarting, what's a good beginner nation?
On kind of a side note, how many of you who play the game regularly finished the first non-tutorial game you played? Am I the only person who tends to restart a couple of times before I get in the groove of things?
Hopefully, I'll be ready to play multiplayer after a few single player games.