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Old September 23rd, 2010, 07:16 PM
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Default Re: Gluttony - LA Game - Running

Originally Posted by Finalgenesis View Post
How odd, I will note that said province is:

A.) Raided by Ctis from Ryleth and held for a single turn before being retaken by Ryleth.

B.) Surround by Ryleth province on every side.

C.) Holds lab structure constructed by Ryleth.

I am certain your constant influx of scouts

If you think airdropping into the middle of my nation in the middle of my war (now ended) with Ctis can be considered anything but aggression you can think again.

If you truly intend to abide by the NAP 3, I will give you a chance to return the lone province you have taken from me.

Otherwise, do not be deceived by Agartha's treachery, all treaty and agreement with them are suspect. Again to all pretenders, there is no need to ever abide by any agreement with someone who does not abide by them.

Oppertunist yes. NAP breaking.. no.

Our NAP did not include any of the provisions listed, only your demand that Agartha stay out of the water (perhaps a bit selfish as Agartha made no provision that R'yleh stay off the land). If R'yleh would like to consider an attack on C'tis aggression then so be it. In turn we would invite other pretenders to revaluate NAPs they have with R'yleh in light of your disregard for the former NAP between our pretenders.

Tiny Agartha will fall to the insane hordes from the deep, perhap quickly, but we will have a sting...

Interesting how Voltaron of R'yleh does not even mention the Finger Puppet incident!

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