Re: Building and Infrastructure possibilities
Thanks for the advice. I had not seen the Mythology mod, so I will be sure to check it out and see how the Menhirs work.
I absolutely agree with you on the +2 gems being overpowered, those were just ideas off the top of my head to get a theme going, much balancing would be required.
Also I'm unsure if I would want to assume that CBM is used; I probably will just go ahead and assume CBM and EDM are used because that is what I consistently play with. However, the proposed changes of adding a gem summoning unit (building) directly goes against one of the major balancing decisions of the CBM, which is that gem factories are not feasible on a large scale.
Edit: As for the Court of Justice, I think that giving it a fairly high monthly gold maintenance cost would balance out the unrest reduction.
Edit: Also, for the Research Academy, perhaps it would be best to just have it be a unit with high research and some Astral magic.