Thread: Wishlist Battle AI hooks
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Old September 28th, 2010, 09:23 AM
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Default Battle AI hooks

AI hooks

I think no explanations are required re. how poor is the battle AI (and AI in general…).
Some notable examples:
- Mages refusing to cast scripted key winning spells
- Mages casting utter rubbish, like spamming protection on some militia instead of sleep to fatigue SCs, casting encase in ice million times on units already encased etc.
- Big formations just clog instead of spread thus dying slowly to a few SCs

It’s also well known that IW would never improve the AI but what if they were to do this relatively small effort to install hooks into their battle AI source code so that we could mod the AI. I’ll explain what I have in mind by way of example, (changed pseudo code in bold font):
- New mod command: #prioritize_spell_2_cast_hook $DOM_INSTALL_HOME/mods/
- In the belly of the source code leviathan where lies the code to decide which spell to cast, perhaps something like:
o Get list of targets
o Get list of available spells
o If isDefined(prioritize_spell_2_cast_hook ) then call prioritize_spell_2_cast_hook else Rank spells
o Sort ranked spells
o dequeue spell from list of spells

- Make battles more interesting
- Make mages vs. SCs more viable. right now the SCs take full advantage of the 5 slot script. The AI likes to buff so they'll always manage to buff while mages are at mercy of the AI
- Rarely researched/used spells will become more important/frequent
- Allow us to mod cool stuff like: black list spells and more

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