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Old September 29th, 2010, 04:48 AM

Finalgenesis Finalgenesis is offline
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Default Re: Newbie question about orders...

I've also run into spells whose hit marker seems to be baffling:

Star fire, on paper this looks like a great counter very early at Evo 1 against low hp high def thug such as Sidhe lord. However on testing, having 3 astral mage standing in the front rank casting star fire for 5 turns produced 0 hits on a sidhe lord (using weightless kite shield + frost brand) also standing in the front rank. I notice the star fire hitting the square sidhe is occupying multiple times to no effect. I just assumed that the hit marker for star fire is "magic missile", like nether darts which could be parried by shields (I've put off debug log reading, but you really should pick it up...).

There are other tests that gave rather surprising results, I can only say not to assuming the obvious and test everything beforehand, otherwise you WILL pay for it in MP when you confidently pull out a "counter" (Like I always do) only to look like a suicidal idiot.
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