Thread: Wishlist Battle AI hooks
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Old September 29th, 2010, 05:37 PM

Grand Stone Grand Stone is offline
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Default Re: Battle AI hooks

This game has a lot of different units rules etc. and a lot of these rules are fun etc. But I allways feel like, well, it dosn't matter what I do as long as I have some kind of strattegy. I play mostly versus the AI, but often it seems to play very little role which AI i'm playing against. I useually find some of okish units, mass them out, and go hunting. Thats my style of play. But it seems that often that it doesn't matter what you do. Ok, flaming arrows and lots of archers is fun. But, all in all I actually think that to many units are too alike.

The game would have been way more interseting if the detalied description of each unit had more importance. And I think a slightly better AI in combat is part of the trick to making combat more interesting. On the top of my list, and an easy fix is to order my (and the AI) mages to cast more evocations spells!!! KILL, KILL, KILL...
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