Thread: Re-Vendetta
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Old September 29th, 2010, 07:11 PM
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AdmiralZhao AdmiralZhao is offline
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Default Re: Re-Vendetta

So far the slave lizards seem to be taking the transition well. We are gradually teaching them to use their tridents for spear-fishing and hay baling, and the runners have revolutionized the Jotunheim mail service. Indeed, all around the signs of war are fading. The marshes are not so noxious, the summers are a little cooler, and the piles of shattered and burned skeletons are feeding an enormous expansion in the southern gelatin industry. Even the great heroes are fading away, as those brave commanders who took up Soul Contracts to defend their homeland are now being terrorized in their retirement homes by regular Horror visits.

Things were going so well, at least until this recent news. R'yleh, perhaps upset by our overfishing, has once again set their black tide of aggression lapping at our shores. While we expect such bellicose behavior from the mad star spawn, it was much more upsetting to receive a similar declaration from Tien Chi. I can only assume that Ryleh has misled their astrologers and soothsayers through some foul astral magic. In any case, the proud Jotunheim people will again take up arms to defend themselves. The tree of Jotun-Liberty will be refreshed by the blood of tiny, tiny humans and blood slaves!
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