Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy MA game [signup+discuss]
Oh, I'm sorry if it came out rude, that wasn't my intention and it's not always a pleasant job aiming for a game that would be balanced. I mean, if I were looking for unfair advantage I'd just open up the game to all and cheer for every unexperienced players that starts next to me.
re. your Q abut Ermor. There's a grain of truth to it but:
a- indie 9. has broader impact on the game and
b- I don't think this will give such a big advantage to Ermor to be able to recruit more chaff. That chaff would be useless against bless nations, early SCs etc. And
c- in early game research & expansion are more important than reanimating soulless.
d- Ermor can recruit the longdeads as much as it wants regardless of indie. setting.
really last point, you can all see I put indie setting as mutable. If you like we can vote on it.