Originally Posted by Executor
Well, we don't actually have to play with victory points to consider capitals victory points.
I dislike the idea of having my capital marked from turn 1.
We already did a game like this "BEER", where the required amount of capitals was 7, but they were not marked, instead every nation had to keep a personal account of everyone's control of capitals, and watch out so nobody steals the game.
It worked out pretty good.
Quick observer comment
I applied similar settings to the above to a game I ran 18 months ago (CarCrash
The only problem that occurred was when one of the main contenders forgot the winning conditions, which is entirely the fault of the player not the settings. Other than that the game was fine. I've also just started two Newbie games with a "hold X capitals" win requirement, but without having capitals VP marked. So I think it is certainly a valid combination of settings and victory conditions.
And personally (as I've ranted about many times in the past) I think having capitals VP marked not only helps the powerful nations to rush, which is help they certainly don't need, but it also encourages lazy play by having a very important bit of intel given to you for nothing. If you want to know who owns the capitals, you should be both made to find them in-game, and made to expend resources keeping track of who owns them.
And if you want to do fixed starts and still keep capital locations secret, then you need to find someone not playing in the game to sort the map out (not it

), but then importantly, for that person to only distribute the image file to the players, and NOT the .map file (As the .map file is needed by the llamaserver, but the players only need the image file. As giving out the .map file also gives out the start locations)