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Old October 7th, 2010, 12:59 PM

Maraxus Maraxus is offline
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Default Re: Ul'Darath EA. (work in progress)

This has some balance changes since "Remove/lower magic paths on mages"?

Let's see:
Fire 2 with 33%
Air (2 with 33%, 3 with 3.1%; 3 with 33% and 4 with 11% in capitol!!!)
Water 2 with 33%
Earth 3 with 33%
Astral (2 with 25%, 3 with 3.1%; 33% and 11% in capitol)
Death 2 (3 with 12.5%)
Nature 2 with 33%

Every single 1/1 combination without Blood/X, Nature/Death and Water/Earth (Fire/Water with only 6.25%, everything else >10%).

Hinom is not balanced, nobody is supposed to have "almost everything".

Your troops are a nice couple, as far as I see. Leaving the sacreds out, you have some humans that are on average okay for their cost but direly damage-minimized. And then you have 2 giants, that are nothing but raw damage.
Your capitol only Giant has some defense in addition to his damage, your human sacred is all-round good (and well-priced for that).
Overall, the troops are okay. Maybe even a little on the weak side, but the commanders ...

A Healer (usually a healer 20 is not so serious since the common trooper is not worth getting brought home to heal average 5 turns but in this nation it synergises well with the Dieva Dels)

A reasonably good researcher, who is a fortune teller 15 on top of it.

An assassin with Air magic

A forger 25 with fire+earth

and most important:

A reasonable good thug. Construction 4 for Boots of the messenger and Gridle of might and then Alteration 3 for "Body etheral, Mistform, 3 hold and attack", and the Diva Del Lord can conquer reasonable light defended provinces alone. ... I have not yet tried, what happens if you choose an imprisoned bless good, say ... Cyclops, Earth 9, Order + Magic Scales up.
My guess is: Divine Blessing (Whoops, the 2 or 3 bodyguard giants are blessed, too), Body Etheral, Mistform works, too.
And it's just getting meaner and meaner: Soon they cloud trapeze and the Smiths replace their allready good mace with an area-firebrand, they forge for cheap. All those nice budget-items and maybe personal regeneration if you can effort the fatigue.
Good thing - with some nations you could counter with magic duel, unless I'm totally killed by surprise in round 20 or earlier. Other nations do not even have astral.

In other words: I like it.
...but it's overpowered. Good for single player.
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