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Old October 9th, 2010, 04:46 PM
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Ragnars Wolves Ragnars Wolves is offline
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Default Re: Boot Camp - Newbie intro to Dominions MP - Running

That isn't exactly true....

I got into a fight with one nation and 2 others broke naps and joined in on me. However, they BOTH waited the specified time and acted Honorably so I have no problem with either (good job, I should have seen it coming). But I realized I had NO chance so I decided to try a few things.

Gladiators...I didn't use them in my army excep as arrow catchers in front should i fight (since they would die anyway why not use cheap fodder).

I may be giving away a secret (or maybe it isn't a secret) but I was reading a post about Pangea and Maenads. It was describing how those little buggers inside a fort could repair the fort and make the siege last forever.

I decided to try that with Gladiators, as long as they are NOT set on patrol they will NOT join the fight for the castle until the walls are broken (that is my understanding). It seemed to work ok.
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