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Old October 10th, 2010, 04:02 PM

Bonfire Bonfire is offline
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Default Re: MA Ermor pretender design

According the herolist you get 3 heroes as MA Ermor:

Grand Thaumaturg: S2D4N2H2
Scythe Wielder: S3D3H2 description implies he generates death gems
The Master of the Games: old guy with hero's blade and attacks that cause eyeloss and heart finding(mr resistable death?)

I wouldn't say the heroes are worth the points though the Grand Thamaturg is very nice.

Remember a big part of luck is gem events and unless you have a good way to use those gems they're wasted. I generally wouldn't take high luck with a nation like Ermor unless I also took a pretender that gives some decent magic diversity.
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