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Old October 11th, 2010, 07:51 AM

Pjoo Pjoo is offline
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Default Re: Boot Camp - Newbie intro to Dominions MP - Running

New turn dawns!
Apparently you cannot edit your posts, but well... :/

Lizard News Channel is concerned about the new domestic policy concerning Skull Mentors, that has many of our Pretender-God-fearing, patriotic citizens weary. Apparently, Skull Mentors have been redistributed based on merit, instead of favoritism, which is radical change from the previous policies of Mr. Sphinx. While some of those liberal scum are happy about the change, claiming "It allows for more specialized researchers" and "it frees up the less experienced for forging and magic sites searching", and also point that the social experiment worked in Bandar-Logterdam, who are on their way to surpassing C'tis as the most magically advanced nation in the world, it is bad! We do not care about the Bandar-Logsterdam, who are bunch of astral-magic using moralless apes. The change is direcly in conflict with the C'tian values of Religion, Nation and Family values. Besides, rewarding talent and aiming for utilitarianism instead of rewarding the brown-noses is just unnatural!
Lizard News, Just and Unbiased

Last edited by Pjoo; October 11th, 2010 at 08:03 AM.. Reason: random stuff
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