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Old October 12th, 2010, 07:16 PM
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Ragnars Wolves Ragnars Wolves is offline
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Default Re: Boot Camp - Newbie intro to Dominions MP - Running

Gentlemen, I want to thank Valerius for putting this game together, and all of you for making my MP debut a fun (though short) one.

I will be leaving to go out of the country Thursday and have 2 provinces left. I have fought up till now but Staling isn't in my nature. I will complete turns up until Thursday Early Morning and then I will set it to AI so you don't have to wait on me. I would stick it out if I wasn't leaving, but see no reason to drag out the obvious and make everyone wait also....There is one Goody left, My Capitol is available for the one that can get there first and whip the defenders!!!

Good Luck guys and see you in the next one!!!!!!

For those of you in other games with me I will be back Monday noonish and have tried to work something out for each game.
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