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Old October 14th, 2010, 03:11 PM

Pjoo Pjoo is offline
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Default Re: Boot Camp - Newbie intro to Dominions MP - Running

Crystal Ball News Network reporting live from the bottom of the ocean...
With the lifting of the ban on study of Hydromancy, our researchers have discovered that for some reason, distance that could on land be travelled in several months, only takes two underwater! While most common folk attribute this to cutting corners, our researchers are adamant that the water also creates some kind of anomaly in time-space-magic-continuum, whatever that is.
As the result, underwater provinces are being seized from the evil Ictyid Lords, to be used for troop transportation, logistics and undisclosed plans involving hugs and puppies.
The corals in the province, not being cold-blooded, in fact having no blood at all, have long time ago caught diseases and died, so their usage in armament industry is impossible, and while initially hopeful that the underwater provinces would provide a solid tax base, the population is insisting on paying with some strange enchanted calms, making the provinces useless for any materialistic gain.

Meanwhile, on the eastern front, C'tis army is making their way into Abysia, and have already scored several major tactical and strategic victories, while our so called allies have mostly been picking off the undefended provinces. While the war is expected to be over very shortly, some of the military leadership predicts there will be considerable issues with Abysian insurgent groups for years to come, but Mr. Sphinx is confident that the whole thing can be dealt with in few months and then our troops can come home.

Tomorrow we will discuss the rules of the law, as one of the Marshmasters stands accused of war crimes, most notably "Wasting of magical gems against single independent commanders". Possibly punishments when found guilty include, among other things, being beaten with pillows, having your toes sucked or having your hands cut off, made into a flail, and then be beaten with it, while torturer next to you keeps constantly asking "Why are you hitting yourself?"

-CBNN, the Dimensionwide Leader in News
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