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Old October 21st, 2010, 03:49 AM

Meursy Meursy is offline
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Default Re: EA: Master Blaster [NOOB GAME]

Yeah, it's kind of a funny thing, I mean it's not as if he put up Burden of Time, or Astral Corruption or something that directly harms you, but the more experienced players often act as if their mother's virtue has been seriously and repeatedly brought into question or something (when the Forge is put up).

I feel the same way as you in that putting up a non-harming global is not an aggressive action, but on the other hand I'm not so sure that dispelling it should be considered outright hostile either, especially given the Forge's power. I mean, it's not really on the same level as an attack, right? If Dominions were real I imagine there'd be a lot of politcal manoeuvring and spin/counterspin, but not actual war. Like CIA behind the scenes 'fighting', but not official political war. Kinda like finding an enemy's stealthed unit inside your borders.

Just my take.
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