Re: Boot Camp - Newbie intro to Dominions MP - Running
I wouldn't mind that much. It would allow me to fix a few mistakes I made last turn. (And allow me to reaim all my site search spells. I didn't find anything last turn, so I now know this, a rollback would save me those 12 gems. (I would also reaim my remote attack spells with the knowledge of Marignon's forces. And use a lot of gems better that I wasted last turn. Call of the winds.. meh))).
I also attacked a random knight attack and lost quite some forces. So I wouldn't do that again. I also could have forged better last turn. (A counter against his kitted harbinger would come turn earlier).
I think a rollback would only make me stronger. (I doubt I would be as lucky with the remote assassination spells, hitting a mage set to retreat is always a win, and killing a mage with supply items also. Best 10 slaves and 26 research points spend so far).
I'm just being open about all this. But I think I could really profit from the additional knowledge I have now. (Also because my spy network is kinda weak).