Originally Posted by rotarr
And looking at the Somethingawful LP; I pity the people starting on one of the peninsulas 
Having played quite a few games on Aran (in SP), the northern peninsula is actually not that bad - the SA players only got thoroughly screwed because there were probably too many nations on a map not meant for that, and the three players scrunched up there were serendipitously well suited to destroy each other right quick. In the current setting, where land nations can expect about 15 provinces each, it's alright.
The smaller peninsula however is a deathtrap, period. Doubly so if your strat hangs around high resource, cap only units/commanders, since you're guaranteed to have your capital border 2+ water provinces which will be, if not entirely inaccessible, at least claimed and contested by Atlantis in our game. Those resources you were banking on are going bye-bye. So's that early expansion.
Yes, I'm sort of sweating this right now, why do you ask ?