Re: Questions
Some other ideas (all purely theoretical, since I'm a nooby noob):
- missile units have pretty uniformly crap morale. Wailing Winds + Terror/Panic spam should send them packing fast. If you can dump a Blood Rain on top of that, so much the merrier.
- clockwork horrors are fire immune, high prot, fast, small and relatively cheap. They'd mow right through non-Fog Warrior'd archers. If you can summon those, you can bring Cave Drake arrow bait as well, they have enough HP and prot to suck up a few volleys while the horrors close in.
- In the same vein, imps and devils are both flying and fire immune, so a pack of them should mess up flaming archers nicely.
- Flaming Arrows relies on masses of low HP, low MR, low prot troops. If you can't beat them on the field, maybe you can whack them with remote attacks and/or disease.
- If you have high astral or plentiful communion fodder, Battle Fortune/Will of the Fates would help, but they're somewhat high up the Alt tree.
- Corpse candles and similar spells that summon stuff from the edges of the field mess up archer targeting something fierce. If you can build Lantern Shields, even better as they'll be summoned from turn 0.
- Fire drakes could work too. They're fire immune, high HP and spit AoE fireballs.
Anything wrong ?
Blame it on me - I'm the French.