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Old November 3rd, 2010, 02:51 PM
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Default Re: Great Forum, game running

@ Muse, What is this treachery?

Your offer is quite worthy, and accepted! The north and west are yours, I shall take the coast and south.

For the northern provinces that we currently hold, we would wish a sum of Earth Gems--however many you can spare, though twenty would be a great boon.

Be advised: Shinuyama has an army headed to those provinces at this very moment, the far north. (Within reach of Last Retreat by next turn, likely.)
His armies under the waves we project will fare less well.

To clarify: We will still require the coastline that we posses currently. It is unlikely that Shinuyama will capture it.

This arrangement should create a lovely funnel directly into his heart, while his coast is raided.
This is you're answer to my proposal - I've already paid my debts (20E gems) we can ask the administration to check that one out.

We've a proposition for our gravelly goblin opponents-- relinquish the sea to us, and we shall grant an NAP-5 so that you might concentrate on murdering the spiders.


To Machaka:

If we don't receive the agreed upon payment, unpleasant things may happen.

We've been quite patient.
You've promised your allegiance and we have divided already the lands of goblins. We also share NAP3. I still haven't seen your main army taking his lands. To me this sounds like that the great forum hasn't heard all of the talks that is going behind my back?

How is this going to be? - I have played my role and given you what you've requested. I pledge you to take actions you have promised. You are still the true god in the south, take what is your's and leave the goblins to your voiceless ones!

I shall burn, charm or bleed those who try to invade my lands. At this point I would ask from my diplomatic partners (Vanheim, Rlyeh and Abysia) what are you really going to do with the monkeys who are grinning behind you backs? Now they are turning face to the west, It's you're chance to act.
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