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Old November 4th, 2010, 05:15 AM

Galou Galou is offline
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Default Scourge of Nations

Hello all,

I would like to try a game with special victory condition: players who destroys the most nation (be the first to successfully storm a capitol, only be the first count except when the legitimate owner retake his capital) win the game.

CBM 1.6
End Game 1.1

Maps: depends on number of players (12 will be perfect), wraparound prefered.
Era: LA
Indies: 8
HoF: 15
renaming on
Graphs off
Random nations (I will be the innocent hand. Trust me. Hin, hin, hin). LA Ermor and UW not playable.
Research: Hard.
Diplo: Bah! But not forbiden.
Turn frequency: 24h until turn 20-30, then 48h until turn 50, 72h afterward. 3 consecutives stales => IA.
Gentlemen game: a VP/capital (total VP for winning will be nb of capitals +1), players will inform the others in this thread when their capital fall and by who. And don't give up!

Galou: Caelum
Danakh: Mictlan
Odeoderok: Midgard
Domenje: Arco
Olive: Abyssia
Hoplosternum: Utgard....1PV
Hylobius: Pangea
Brazouck: Ulm
Awund: Man
Zegc-ben: Bogarus
Corinthian: Agartha

Marignon was destroyed by Utgard.

Last edited by Galou; December 14th, 2010 at 04:36 AM..
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