Thread: Mod CBM 1.7 released
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Old November 8th, 2010, 06:11 PM

iRFNA iRFNA is offline
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Default Re: CBM 1.7 released

An interesting thing to note about the dwarven hammer change... You've actually nerfed forge bonus units that were given dwarven hammers. Consider how it is now, where we have the typical forge bonus nation with 25% reduction vs normal forging. So they pay 75% cost for items, other nations pay 100%: 25% forge bonus nations get 4 items of the same cost for every 3 that a normal nation can forge. If both nations have access to hammers, forge bonus nations are paying 50% cost while normal nations pay 75% cost. That means, with access to hammers, forge bonus nations get 3 items of the same cost for every 2 that a normal nation can forge.

Not saying it's right or wrong, just pointing out something that could be overlooked.

Also, I think the no research forge of the ancients is where balancing ulm veers into overkill territory.
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