Originally Posted by CthulhuDreams
I broadly agree, but can I propose the following modifications
1) You can agree to a non aggression pact of
* A notification break period (1-1000 turns or whatever)
* A fixed expirary date (We have a NAP until turn 25)
* A fixed duration (We have a NAP for 10 more turns)
2) Trade agreements for fungible goods (e.g. I give you 15 earth gems, you give me a dwarf hammer and/or 400 gold) are enforceable.
3) An agreement to attack a third party is not enforceable (I agree with C'tis to attack Formoria, I don't do anything, that's tough titties for C'tis)
I actually REALLY like this! So can we all agree to it? Again, it's the honor system, so you're agreeing that, if you violate it, we reserve the right to spread the word throughout the forum that you are a spoil-sport