Originally Posted by TheDemon
If he wanted to remove dominant magic sites he should have removed them all. Now that EDM is included, a 20% discount in ANY area can be gamebreaking. 20% const now that hammers are gone is too good. Not to mention the most broken site (20% alt) is still in. Really the only non-dominant discount sites are the evo sites and I say if you want to remove discount sites for balance you should go all the way.
Personally I don't care much about this kind of balance. Why? Because the game is in free for all form. If someone plays a powerful nation or get a good start the other players will take notice and gang up on him.
Also the random starting conditions and available magic sites means things will never be fair so what does one more random thing mater.
If a nation that was already powerful finds the ultimate gate? Well chances were that he would probably win any how. If a weak nation finds it? Why that might just be the thing that turns his game around! Making it harder to tell the victor in advance and making the game interesting for longer!
Either way, even the ultimate gate probably contributes less to your victory chances then your starting position. Take your SA lets play for an example. Ashdod, with all the god percentage sites in the first province they find, could not have salvaged Ermors terrible starting position.
Also on another note. I found both the bottomless lake (conj 20) and the ultimate gate (conj 50) in the same province. Unfortunately they don't stack
On a third note while I'm at it: Claymen really should be fire resistant. They are made of clay! Also golems are fire immune.