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Old November 11th, 2010, 01:10 AM
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Ragnars Wolves Ragnars Wolves is offline
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Default Re: New Kinda Noob game Starting

Well gentlemen we have a problem....

Someone has hijacked the game....I wanted to be the last person to send in my pretender so the game would start late tonight (weds) and we would all have a turn in the morning.

HOWEVER, when I went to send it in it would not accept it and on further investigation not only has someone sent it (my pretender for Abysia) but a turn as well.

I have turned off the quickhost and I need whoever is Abysia in this game to either state it or PM me.

I guess we have to start over (sorry attackdrone for all the work you put in to this and may have to come to the rescue agian.

I have heard of this happening with REALLY NEW players who don't realize you have to sign up...but in my own game
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