Thread: Mod CBM 1.7 released
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Old November 11th, 2010, 09:43 AM
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Default Re: CBM 1.7 released

Originally Posted by Peter Ebbesen View Post
I do wonder about the earth booster, though. Given that CBM has already killed off gem generators except as uniques, why was a perfectly good and fun artefact, the Boots of Antaeus, replaced in favour of a Ring of the Earth booster rather than stripping the blood stone of its gem generating ability and newfound uniqueness (the simplest solution) or, if such was impossible (if the gem generation was in the game code and couldn't be modded), why not choose to replace some low-priority magic item that is almost never used such as Boots of Long Strides or the Main Gauche of Parrying?
You can't mod either the magic boost attribute or the gem-gen attribute. That means that you only had the Boots of Antaeus, Pebble Skin Suit, or Tome of Gaia to choose from as existing earth boosters; QM chose the boots, presumably because its accompanying non-moddable side-effects (the re-invigoration/regeneration) were easiest to address.

Otherwise you'd have either had trollification + stoneskin (in the case of the armor) or +1 nature magic too (for the tome.) Personally, I'd have gone for the armor, but that's because I find the mechanic amusing :-)

If he only had *NINJAS* working for him, they could slip into Illwinter's offices and insert the necessary code mods...alas.
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Last edited by Stavis_L; November 11th, 2010 at 09:47 AM.. Reason: Ninja llamas!
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