Re: No Diplo EA Game - No Wankers Allowed - Closed
Just one Pretender to go for the game to start (already PM-ed the missing player), so hopefully this game will get going before the end of the day (I have a back-up plan if the player doesn't show)
Also, I forgot to mention that you will all need to make a duplicate copy of the Alexander.tga file, and rename it AlexanderNWA.tga, in order to access the turns. I haven't made any changes to the image file, but the Alexander.tga image file on the llamaserver seems to be bugged (which is possibly why the starts failed) so I had to upload a new one. And had to rename it for the llamaserver to accept it.
For the computer challenged, I've attached a renamed image file that you should unzip into your map folder.
Last edited by Calahan; November 14th, 2010 at 06:16 AM..