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Old November 14th, 2010, 03:45 PM

Calahan Calahan is offline
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Default Re: No Diplo EA Game - No Wankers Allowed - Closed

Originally Posted by Aethyr View Post
Calahan, when I try to unzip the file I get two error messages: 1) "no fles to extract"; and 2) "Unknown method in AlexanderNWA.tga.

Hhmmmm indeed, I just tried unpacking it myself with regular compression programs, and I get errors as well.

I think the problem is basically that I use 7-zip for archiving stuff, and it has a lot of unique compression methods that only 7-zip can identify. The last time I attached a large file (the map for YARG2) I attached it as a .7zp file, and some people asked "what's that". So this time I used 7-zip again but told it to create a .zip file instead. But didn't realise that this also uses the unique compression methods that you still need 7-zip to unpack.

So, to cut a long ramble short, to unpack the attachment you will need the 7-zip program, which can be found....


or here (in case you are one of the people who only trust programs on filehippo)

Let me know if you (or anyone) is still having problems.

ps. I'm still waiting to hear from the missing player, but I have already initiated my backup plan should it be needed.
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