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Old November 14th, 2010, 05:08 PM

Calahan Calahan is offline
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Default Re: No Diplo EA Game - No Wankers Allowed - Closed

Originally Posted by Aethyr View Post
OK, used 7-zip. It appears that the AlexanderNWA.tga was unpacked, but with a file size of zero (expected?), and one message: "unsupported compression method for AlexanderNWA.tga."
Hhhmmm, odd. Not sure why it's not working to be honest.

As an alternative, maybe just download the original Alexander map from the OP of this thread.

Unzip it to somewhere that isn't the map folder. Rename the Alexander.tga file to AlexanderNWA.tga and then copy that file into the map folder.

If that is no good either, then PM me your email address, and I will send you the image file in uncompressed format. As long as your email account can accept 40mb files that is. (I can't attach the file to a fourm post uncompressed, as it's above the file size limit.)
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