Originally Posted by Executor
And hence Yomi Kings wolfs should be removed cause they only screw up their thug/sc capabilities.
Or do the wolves just balance the Dai Oni's out by making them that little bit more difficult to use (ie. you have to script bless as 2nd spell, and they rout a lot quicker when used solo)
Maybe all recruitable SC's (or maybe all SC's?!) should have a crappy retinue with them in order to make them more difficult to use solo. As if the battle started with the SC fielder losing 50% of the total HP in battle in first 1-2 rounds, then the route checking each turn will make their lives a lot more difficult (with one or two hits putting it over the 75% mark). But in large battles the SC's will act as normal.
Not sure how this would work in practice, but it's possibly an interesting idea (rather than all the new uber SC killing spells or SC nerf ideas I've seen mentioned before)