@ Earcaraxe - I wish you would take your axe to your hand and burn the monkeys from your lands.. I have made him bleed and you have all means killing his powerfull astral communions. We share a NAP3 and I'm willing to change it for NAP5. I fight simultaniously against 1,5 opponents (since I consider goblins only half men), with your aid the monkeys would gain another enemy and you could take the Serpents Tail by force.
@ Num - We share only tiny borderline and I wish we could extend our relationship with trading.. I could offer you some F and W gems in exhange of N, S and D gems. I believe I could also forge you some boosters if you need them.. for a good price of course.
@ ADMIN - NAP3 with Machaka and Vanheim is not in the 1st page, please update it. What comes to Bandar, I think everyone knows that we've been fighting "pretty even" couple of turns so no NAP's on this side