Originally Posted by mockingbird
Or perhaps a bless (probably F4E9N4 at a minimum) and use the sacred giants and Oracle thugs.
Yeah I went with F4E4S4N4 as a blessing, to get my sacred units into reasonable attack/encumbrance range and open up nature and astral.
The issue is, you still need to be able to capture at least one province at the start to get resources. Agartha's best sacred units are 37 resources and 55 gold. Their other sacred units (the ones with an attack of 9) are 40 gold and 19 resources. They're armed with a spear of all things! Good luck getting a repel with an attack of 9.
Oh and Oracles are pretty sub-par thugs. Base (naked) encumbrance of 5, precision of 7, base attack of 9 and defense of 11 is not the best chassis for a thug (for the earth/water version, which is the best stats wise). Also, about half of them are old! It'd take an awful big blessing just to make them anywhere near the other giant nations and their recruitable thugs. Did I mention they are cold-blooded?