Thread: Mordar Balance
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Old November 18th, 2010, 09:00 AM

zegc-ben zegc-ben is offline
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Default Re: Mordar Balance

I have taken a look at your mod. It's a great choice of theme and I look forward to see it finished.

Now there are indeed quite a lot of balance issues, which is quite normal if you are new to the game. Please excuse me if the rest of my post seems like I am bashing your work, just assume that everything I don't speak of is fine.

The Sauron pretender : It's probably the one most unbalanced thing about your mod. For 75 points which is not so expensive you get a good early SC chassis (fear on a pretender good is really powerfull) with the new path cost of a rainbow, a good base dominion and a crasy forge bonus. For a comparaison, the prince of death is considered as quite overpowered at a cost of 75 exactly because of the same fear+base dom of 3 combo and he has neither the rainbow potential nor the forge bonus.

The normal orcs troops are currently quite bad, expecially since they dont currently have any shield (but I tink that's an error looking at the sprites) but they should still be playable.
On the other hand the oliphants is badly underpriced. Normal elephants are already efficient enough to be used in MP rush and yours are much cheaper and better (13 morale means they won't rout as easilly, normal MR means they are much harder to deal with and the spears means they are more resilient since they can repel opponents). I haven't really tried the wraith but they seem really too strong, using for exemple MA Vanheim sacred van for a comparaison.

The mage have a terribly poor magical diversity with only fire and earth available and they cost a lot of ressource which is unusual.
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