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Old November 18th, 2010, 11:10 AM

Calahan Calahan is offline
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Default Re: Gluttony: Seeking sub! Are you Man enough?

So I see the Gluttony game is going to be yet another game that earcaraxe is bailing on when he has more than a decent position. I hope his reasons are genuine this time, as he bailed on the Pyrite and Preponderance 2 games for no good reason what-so-ever, with both positions also being more than decent at the time. And it seems he bailed on these two previous games due to pathetic reasons such as being bored, or far more likely, he realised he no longer had a chance to win, and so didn't want to put any more time into the game. I wonder if that's also the case in the Gluttony game? (the llamascores seem to suggest it is given the woeful research)

It will be interesting to see if earcaraxe will also be dropping out of any or all of his other games due to his (quoted from game thread) "real life considerations", as he does seem to be in several games right now. Or will this simply be a text book case of 'selective bailing' in a game he has lost interest in, and/or has no chance of winning anymore. Won't it be an odd coincidence though if, out of his current games, he doesn't bail on any of the ones he still has a chance of winning. Now that would be spooky wouldn't it?!?

Apologies for the intrusion, but I hate bailers with a passion, and I think other players should be aware of any players who are known to be habitual bailers, which earcaraxe most certainly is given his history. Since bailers have probably ruined more games than all other problems combined, and all admins and game organisers should think long and hard about letting them play in their games (as chances are they'll bail at some point and potentially ruin it)

Last edited by Calahan; November 18th, 2010 at 11:22 AM..
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