Re: Gluttony: Seeking sub! Are you Man enough?
I was in that game, and earcaraxe's position was far from "favorite". there is a R'lyeh+Atlantis alliance that is ripping apart all the land nations, unless something drastic has changed since I died in that game. my last stand was against earcaraxe's forces, and he really didn't have anything spectacular deep into the game.
so I must agree with Calahan here, another case of "I can't win, therefore I'm bored, therefore I quit, find a sub for me". it's a shame earcaraxe, you could have been a great addition to this community, especially with your liking to Man(who almost nobody else likes to play), unfortunately your actions in most of your multiplayer games so far suggest that you should stop being welcome in any multiplayer game that expects people to stick it to the end(or well, to their deaths).