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Old November 18th, 2010, 08:03 PM
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Gandalf Parker Gandalf Parker is offline
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Default Re: House Rules against the AI

Ive seen some great advances in the subject of improving the Computer Players in Dominions 3. We still could use a thread specifically listing the settings, maps, mods, and 3rd party programs that are directed toward AI improvement. Possibly sticky, altho we might have to wait until a new regime for that.

Some levels for Indepts above 9 tend to go AI'd, Allied, SemiRand, Chaos, Designed, GameMaster.

Some MODs would be Better Independents or the AI Opponent Balance Mod.

Some MAPs such as the Tower Map seems to help, and the NI (No Independents) maps. And now Im adding another map. Based on the idea that the NI maps help the AI use more elites, and cuts micromanagement, I have created a PI (Partial Independents) map. Approx 1 out of every 10 provinces will allow their usual recruitment of independent units. The others still force you to fight for them but do not allow recruiting (unless a magic site provides something). To keep the locations from getting memorized from continual replay, my server will re-randomize this file daily. Check out the PI version of the Parganos map called Partial_anos on my server.
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