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Old November 18th, 2010, 08:05 PM

13lackGu4rd 13lackGu4rd is offline
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Default Re: Gluttony: Seeking sub! Are you Man enough?

Finalgenesis, as I recall, you were 1 of said UW nations, so all you say should be taken with a grain of salt(aka as highly suspected propaganda). yes, I did take over Marignon in a very hopeless situation, however I stayed until the very end with it, not bailing out and just turning it AI like some of you guys suggested I'd do...

it wasn't an alliance just against me, I remember earcaraxe himself begging for peace so we can all focus on you UW nations. I also remember sansanjuan(Agartha) speaking about uniting against the UW alliance and tried(though in vain) to get all the land nations together against you guys. so yeah, maybe it's you who should provide the facts instead of just propaganda.

and yes, while 2-3 game years is quite a bit of time, some things just can't change too drastically. in this case, Man just didn't have the means to overthrow you guys, all he had was regular armies with a handful of mages, even 2-3 years in his previously very grim position couldn't miraculously make that into a "leading" position under the circumstances I've just described above. also, from my experience in subbing for earcaraxe(at least 3 games, in mid-late game) what he refers to as a "leading" position is very misleading.

P.S the score label can be very misleading, as it does not provide any information on research paths(only total research points), artifacts, unique summons, pretender design, etc. especially with nations like Man that don't have the necessary diversity for a solid end game, so it requires a rainbow pretender, lucky indies, bootstrapping, etc. the score graphs won't show either of those as well.
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