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Old November 19th, 2010, 08:27 PM

Colonial Colonial is offline
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Arrow Re: Newbie game - Last Rites(LA) - Full - Setting up

All right kiddos, we have lift-off.

Game: Last_Rites

Map: Urraparround2 (edited)

LA - 40 sites - 125 gold - renaming on


1. Colonial - Midgärd
2. Xanatos - Ermor (Ashen Empire)
3. nrasch - Patala
4. BlackGuard - Pythium
5. Mule Warrior - Atlantis
6. Corinthian - Agartha
7. P3D - Mictlan
8. mscfish - C'tis
9. gotchaaa - T'ien Ch'i
10. nerozero - Jomon
11. Kojusoki - Utgärd
12. empty. Shall we try to fill it? wouldn't mind less crowding.

After finding you pretender file mail it to
pretenders[ at ]llamaserver[ dot ]net
Subject line: Last_Rites

Let the games begin!
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