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Old November 22nd, 2010, 08:25 AM

Calahan Calahan is offline
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The game ends when a team wins or the admin declares the game finished by another means (be they by whatever means and methods the admin feels appropriate at the time).

The game does not end just because one player/team wants it to, or one player/team is throwing a hissy fit.

I also would like to remind everyone of a few of the rules of this game, as posted in the OP, and which were clearly visable to all players before they signed up, and with it a commitment from themselves to this game for the length if its duration.

Originally Posted by Zeldor View Post
No cheating!![i], this includes:
- giving up without fight
- revealing your or anyones ID in this game
I would like to think all the players currently left in this game are capable and mature enough to continue following these rules until the game comes to an end. We have already had too many instances of the top most rule being broken in this game, and so it does not need any further instances of that rule being broken.

Some players would like to see the game ended here, some would not. For those that do wish the game to end here, please have some respect and consideration for your fellow players who prefer to keep playing. And also enough respect not to break the game rules just to spite them.

If anyone feels their time is now too valuable to be used in playing this game until whatever conclusion it comes to, or suddenly feel the need to break the rules. Then please out yourself now as a complete and utter douche-bag and wanker for all to see, as my black list could do with some updating.
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